The Best Inner-Thigh Exercises That Reach Those Hard-to-Target Adductors

Lateral Lunge: This effective exercise stretches your groin and targets muscles in the frontal plane, enhancing flexibility and strength.

Sumo Squat: The wide stance of this squat variation targets inner-thigh muscles while engaging glutes, hamstrings, and quads for a full lower body workout.

Narrow Squat with Pilates Ball: By placing a Pilates ball between your thighs, this exercise forces adductor muscles to engage, enhancing inner-thigh strength and stability.

Curtsy Lunge: This graceful yet effective move not only targets the glutes but also engages the inner thighs as you stabilize while stepping behind, promoting balance and strength.

Scissor Legs Plank: This dynamic plank variation not only engages the adductor muscle group but also challenges your core, arms, and glutes for a full-body workout.

Lateral Lunge Slides: Utilizing a sliding motion, this exercise effectively targets the inner thighs while engaging the stabilizing muscles of the lower body.

Side-Lying Double Leg Lift: This isolated movement targets the inner-thigh muscles, making it suitable for various fitness levels and perfect for strengthening weak areas.

Reverse Clamshells: With the use of a Pilates ball, this intense exercise focuses on the inner thighs, providing a challenging yet effective workout.

Inner-Thigh Circles: This gentle yet effective exercise builds inner-thigh strength safely, making it suitable for pregnancy and promoting overall leg stability.

Reverse Lunge to Single-Leg Deadlift: Combining two powerful movements, this exercise not only targets inner thigh muscles but also improves stability and balance for functional strength.